Zion Highway Mission
Making Change Possible
Zion Highway Mission (ZHM) was founded in 2019 by Pastor Pauline Bankesha (AKA Sis. Pauline). Pastor Pauline saw this organization as means to have a platform to serve the needs of the ill-served people she frequently encountered. Funded mostly out of the pockets of her three eldest daughters and herself, Pastor Pauline was able shape this mission and help several families with food assistance and housing relief out of her home in Dayton, OH. While the beginning work of ZHM was often difficult and financially burdensome, the family-based organization of love has matured over the years and can reflect on making a tremendous impact in many peoples lives. As a result, the work that this very small charity group was able to accomplish, with initialy four members, has made ZHM confident to make a move to serve greater areas in need.
The core of ZHM's works lies in a continuous passion-driven effort to address the needs of suffering children, and families in the most ill-served areas in our world. We are dedicated to helping those who are in dire situations. With love, care, and compassion, we carry out our work to affect change through empathetic acts of charity and good will. The mission aims to assist the needy in basic needs for daily living while concurrently helping them achieve and maintain long-term sustenance by way of start-up business funding, payment of school fees, and more. Zion highway currently has several initiatives that attack these goals which are largely funded by the ZHM team.
Global Phase
In February of 2022 Pastor Pauline set her sight to make ZHM global by establishing another base for the the organization in Bujumbura Burundi, her place of birth and current "poorest country in the world". ZHM is now embarking on a journey to establish more consistent work internationally (Burundi being first) to directly serve the needy population within the most impoverished countries. ZHM's hope is not only to affect change through charity but to bring awareness to the issues faced by those in countries that register at the top of the list in terms of poverty. Currently ZHM has been able to provide a consistent stream of short-term food resources for locals in certain towns and villages in Bujumbura. Aside from that we have been able to help two burundian youths with educational assistance, and one with long-term housing and care. Please join us in our journey by working with us and supporting our efforts as we continue to grow works through charitable outreach in Burundi and elsewhere in future.